The Flatrock River runs from Henry County for 85 miles before joining the Driftwood River forming the East Fork White River in Columbus.  This is a good fishing run.

We presently just do private shuttles for customers’ kayaks on this river.  Due to the number of trees in the lower reaches toward Columbus we are presently not putting our kayaks on that portion of the Flatrock.  The Flatrock River has good water March through July annually.  Typically, by August it is too low to kayak.  This stream has a lot of trees down in it known as strainers.  So it is a technical run, not for beginners.

Pathfinder offers 2 runs on the Flatrock River.

Flatrock to Owens Bend

Challenge Level: 3 (Several random trees and possible log jams)
Duration: 5 hours
Wilderness Experience: 2
Age Suitability: 14 yrs and up
$80 per Solo Kayak

$60 for the shuttle only


Owens Bend to Mill Race.  

WARNING! There is a low head dam to portage around!

Challenge Level: 3 (Several trees and possible log jams plus a low head dam to portage around)
Duration: 5 hours
Wilderness Experience: 2
Age Suitability: 14 yrs and up
$80 per Solo
$60 for the shuttle only